Took multiple photos of Pleiades in small field of view in different filters.
Then moved to a wider field of view, no filter. Aiming to use this for HR diagram rather than the smaller field of view:
Annotated version using astrometry.net:
Using Aladin to find H-R diagram of Pleiades
Using star catalog Simbad
using star catalog Tycon-2
Star Fitting
Star fitting does seem to work even with the estimated values discussed in last meeting, also need to talk about what Gaussian we are fitting.
Finding Optimum Threshold
Multiplier much higher than expected. Is this something wrong with the simulation or the code? Image used (500 stars):
Star Matching Algorithm
Attempted on real data, haven't actually changed the code yet. But it works for most of the stars using real data:
LunaBorella - 23 Jan 2018