import numpy as _np
import random as _r
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
from import fits
import math as _m
import scipy as _sc
#from scipy.stats import skewnorm
def StarfieldPositions(CanvasSize, NumStars, Globbed):
"""A function, given a canvas size and number of stars, returns random
positions of stars in that canvas.
CanvasSize must be tuple of ints or "Auto", which makes it (1530, 1020), the size of the typical FITs image.
NumStars must be an int.
Max_x = CanvasSize[0]
Max_y = CanvasSize[1]
A = _np.linspace(1,NumStars, NumStars)
X = []
Y = []
Pos = []
if Globbed == True:
GaussMean = 0.5
GaussSig = 0.2
y_max = 1.6
for i in A:
Acceptedx = False
while Acceptedx == False:
x_Monte = _r.random()
y_Monte = _r.random()*y_max
if y_Monte<Gaussian(x_Monte, GaussMean, GaussSig):
x = round(x_Monte*Max_x)
Acceptedx = True
Acceptedx = False
Acceptedy = False
while Acceptedy == False:
x_Monte = _r.random()
y_Monte = _r.random()*y_max
if y_Monte<Gaussian(x_Monte, GaussMean, GaussSig):
y = round(x_Monte*Max_x)
Acceptedy = True
Acceptedy = False
for i in A:
x = round(_r.random()*Max_x)
y = round(_r.random()*Max_y)
return Pos
def MovePixel(Pos, dx, dy):
NewPos = (Pos[0] + dx, Pos[1] + dy)
return NewPos
def CentretoCorner(Centre, SizeOfBox):
return MovePixel(Centre, -SizeOfBox, SizeOfBox)
def MoveRow(Array, CurrentPixel, SizeOfBox, List):
Max_x, Max_y = _np.shape(Array)
for i in range(0,SizeOfBox*2):
CurrentPixel = MovePixel(CurrentPixel,+1, 0)
if(CurrentPixel[0]>=0 and CurrentPixel[1]>=0 and CurrentPixel[0]<=Max_x-1 and CurrentPixel[1]<=Max_y-1):
return CurrentPixel, List
def ChangeRow(CurrentPixel, SizeOfBox):
return MovePixel(CurrentPixel, -2*SizeOfBox , -1)
def GetBoxPixelPos(Array, CentrePos, SizeOfBox):
"""Returns a list of pixel positions of a box around a centre pixel"""
Max_x, Max_y = _np.shape(Array)
Box = []
Position = CentretoCorner(CentrePos, SizeOfBox)
if(Position[0]>=0 and Position[1]>=0 and Position[0]<=Max_x-1 and Position[1]<=Max_y-1):
Position, Box = MoveRow(Array,Position, SizeOfBox, Box)
for i in range(0,(2*SizeOfBox)-1):
Position = ChangeRow(Position, SizeOfBox)
if(Position[0]>=0 and Position[1]>=0 and Position[0]<=Max_x-1 and Position[1]<=Max_y-1):
Position, Box = MoveRow(Array, Position, SizeOfBox, Box)
return Box
def phi(x):
return 1./(_np.sqrt(2*_np.pi))*_np.exp(-(x)**2/2.)
def PHI(x):
return (1./2.)*(1+_sc.special.erf(x/_np.sqrt(2.)))
def SkewNormPdf(x, a, mean, sigma):
return (2./sigma)*phi((x-mean)/sigma)*PHI(a*((x-mean)/sigma))
def Gaussian(x, mean, sigma):
return 1./(_np.sqrt(2*_m.pi*sigma**2)) * _np.exp(-(x - mean)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def Gaussian2D(A, x, y, x_pos, y_pos, sigx, sigy):
"""Function that returns the value of a 2 dimensional Gaussian Function"""
return A*_np.exp(-((x-x_pos)**2/(2*sigx**2)+(y-y_pos)**2/(2*sigy**2)))
def Gaussian2DWCorr(A, x, y, x_pos, y_pos, sigx, sigy, P, r):
"""Function that returns the value of a 2 dimensional Gaussian Function"""
X = ((x-x_pos)/(2*sigx**2))
Y = ((y-y_pos)/(2*sigy**2))
PCoeff = (1./(2.*(1-P**2)))
if r<0.5:
return A * _np.exp(-PCoeff*(X**2 + Y**2 + 2*P*X*Y) )
if r>=0.5:
return A * _np.exp(-PCoeff*(X**2 + Y**2 - 2*P*X*Y) )
def Poisson(E, n):
return ((E**n)/(_m.factorial(n)))*_np.exp(-E)
def ParetoDist(x):
return 1./pow((1+x),2)
def ParetoDistMonteCarlo():
xmax = 4.0
ymax = 1.0
Accepted = False
while Accepted==False:
x = _r.random()*xmax
y = _r.random()*ymax
if y<ParetoDist(x):
Accepted = True
Accepted = False
return x/4.
def bgFunc(A):
"""A function of the bg, determined by a fit from real image."""
f0,f1,f2 = -4.23943734841e-05, 0.292931970885, 566.077397528
y = f0*pow(A,2) + f1*A + f2
return y
def getBox1(array, x, y ,dim):
"""x, y = centre of box, dim must be odd."""
if dim%2 == 0:
Diag = (dim-1)/2.
ULCx = x-Diag
ULCy = y-Diag
box = array[ULCx:ULCx+dim,ULCy:ULCy+dim]
return box
def MakeAStarField(CanvasSize, NumStars, globular, shape):
"""Function that simulates the image of a star."""
BrightStar = 65000
StarPos = StarfieldPositions(CanvasSize, NumStars, globular)
Max_x = CanvasSize[0]
Max_y = CanvasSize[1]
Rows = _np.arange(0,Max_y,1)
ListofColumns = []
for i in Rows:
A = _np.zeros(Max_x)
Value = bgFunc(i)
NoFlucImg = _np.rot90(_np.rot90(_np.rot90(_np.array(ListofColumns))))
ListofRows = []
for i in NoFlucImg:
i = _np.random.poisson(i)
i = _np.random.normal(i)
Img = _np.array(ListofRows)
StarCount = 1
Gausssigma = 0.15
YMAX= 2.7
Gaussmean_P = 0
if shape == True:
ShapeRandom = _r.random()
P = _r.random()*2 -1
ShapeAccepted = False
while ShapeAccepted == False:
r_val = _r.random()
y_val = r_val*YMAX
if y_val<Gaussian(P, Gaussmean_P, Gausssigma):
ShapeAccepted = True
ShapeAccepted = False
StarSigma = 4
for k in StarPos:
X = ParetoDistMonteCarlo()
Stot = X*BrightStar
box = GetBoxPixelPos(Img, k, StarSigma*4)
X,Y = _np.shape(Img)
for l in box:
i = l[0]
j = l[1]
if shape == True:
p = Gaussian2DWCorr(BrightStar,i,j,k[0], k[1], StarSigma,StarSigma, P, ShapeRandom)*(1./Max_x)*(1./Max_y)
p = Gaussian2D(BrightStar,i,j,k[0], k[1], StarSigma,StarSigma)*(1./Max_x)*(1./Max_y)
S = p*Stot
ExpectedValue = S
if ExpectedValue<0:
n = _np.random.poisson(ExpectedValue)
Img[l] += n
print "StarCount:", StarCount
return Img
def MakeFits(Array, Filename):
"""Converts array into a fits image"""
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(Array)
hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu])
A = MakeAStarField((1250,1500), 100, globular = False, shape = False)
MakeFits(A, "3_Stars.fits")
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BekiChafer - 22 Oct 2017</verbatim>