In a nutshell:
This sequence finds M31 (Andromeda), centers and zoom the view on it:
ctrl+f -> M31 -> Enter -> Space Bar -> /
Navigating around
Moving around
- Cursor keys
- Pan the view left, right, up and down
- Page up / Page down / Mouse wheel
- Zoom in and out
- Backslash (\)
- Auto-zoom out to original field of view
- Forward-slash (/)
- Auto-zoom in to selected object
Selecting object
- Left mouse button
- Select an object in the sky
- Right mouse button
- Clear selected object
- Space bar
- Centre view on selected object
- Find object
Controlling the Telescope
- Send telescope 1 to selected target
- Send telescope 1 to center of Stellarium view
e, z
- Draws grid lines for the RA/Dec, Alt/Azi coordinate system
- Enter
- Toggles between coordinate systems.
c, v, r
- Draws the constellation lines, names and art
n, p
- Toggles nebulae and planets
g, q, a
- Toggles drawing of the ground, cardinal points and atmosphere
- Toggles full-screen
More Shortcuts
Please, visit
Stellarium wiki for more.
PedroDeCarvalhoPaiva - 19 Sep 2013