In a nutshell:

This sequence finds M31 (Andromeda), centers and zoom the view on it:

ctrl+f -> M31 -> Enter -> Space Bar -> /

Navigating around

Moving around
Cursor keys
Pan the view left, right, up and down

Page up / Page down / Mouse wheel
Zoom in and out

Backslash (\)
Auto-zoom out to original field of view

Forward-slash (/)
Auto-zoom in to selected object

Selecting object
Left mouse button
Select an object in the sky

Right mouse button
Clear selected object

Space bar
Centre view on selected object

Find object

Controlling the Telescope

Send telescope 1 to selected target

Send telescope 1 to center of Stellarium view


e, z
Draws grid lines for the RA/Dec, Alt/Azi coordinate system

Toggles between coordinate systems.

c, v, r
Draws the constellation lines, names and art

n, p
Toggles nebulae and planets

g, q, a
Toggles drawing of the ground, cardinal points and atmosphere

Toggles full-screen

More Shortcuts

Please, visit this Stellarium wiki for more.

-- PedroDeCarvalhoPaiva - 19 Sep 2013

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Topic revision: r1 - 19 Sep 2013 - PedroPaiva

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