PPOTH Hub Settings:

  • Connect to Meade LX200

  1. Start black computer
    1. Should give you the choice of two Windows versions (32 and 64 bit) using the cursors select the 64-bit and hit return
  2. Setup optical system
    1. Sync Star before connecting anything!
  3. Start Stellarium
    1. Connect Stellarium to telescope (Configuration Window -> Plugins -> Telescope -> Start)
  4. Start MaximDL
    1. Connect MaximDL via POTH Hub (Observatory Control -> Setup)
      1. Verify if camera and focuser are the right ones! (i.e. SBIG Universal)
    2. Camera control -> Setup
  5. Start FocusMax (optional)
    1. Connect Focuser via POTH Hub (System -> Focuser -> POTH Hub -> Connect) - Important: make sure to connect, otherwise FocusMax can crash when you click the Telescope Button!
    2. Connect Camera (System -> Imaging SW -> MaximDL)
    3. Connect Telescope via POTH Hub (Telescope Button -> Setup -> Telescope Selection -> POTH Hub -> Connect)
  6. Check coordinates in all programs and on HBX
  7. Check siderial tracking is on (Telescope tab)
  8. Try small gotos
  9. Check MaximDL
-- StewartBoogert - 29 Aug 2013
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Topic revision: r6 - 22 Dec 2013 - StewartBoogert

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