TrigMC software release coordination: PTD's logbook - page for May 2018
Use reverse chronological order.
For each shift date show the NEW MRs, and any related relevant comments/questions; note down when I (or some one else) merged/closed each request, and mark the MR as done/closed by ticking the box (
[x]). If an MR takes longer than a day to merge, leave it listed under the original shift date, but add comments prefaced with the date of the comment/action. Only MRs that are still active should have the box unticked (
[ ]).
Therefore each MR will only appear once in the log, under the date of the day when I first became aware of it.
[x] !11567 Pseduo-merge of Trigger ART tests to 21.0-TrigMC (opened by Tim Martin)
(What exactly is a pseudo-merge? Is this a sweep from 21.1 to TrigMC?)
12.24pm Request was opened less than an hour ago but it is showing "pipeline failed", therefore won't try to merge.
4.35pm In reply to my question as to "pseudo-merge", Tim says: "It's a made-up name for a merge which is actually committed as a cherry-pick so as to move code only from a small number of packages rather then the whole code base (as true merges do)." Therefore: also need to wait for pipeline to be successfully complete before attempting merge. (Pipeline has not yet restarted... presumably because there is no point in doing so until Tim figures out & fixes the cause of it having failed in the first place...)
5.37pm CI pipeline completed OK (even though I could not see that it was running...?) Merged OK.
[x] !11457 Update trig mc to 21.1.29 and.21.0.71 (opened by Julie Kirk)
11.07am CI pipeline has been running for about 1h50m.
1.56pm Pipeline still running (4h40m so far).
3.40pm Pipeline finished OK, about one hour ago (so was around 5 hours total). Merged OK.
[x] !11408 Sweeping !11383 from 21.1 to 21.0-TrigMC. ATR-18112: Configure FTKRefit for BS_idperf chain (opened by Atlas Nightly Build)
10.40am CI pipeline still running.
10.41am pipeline successfully completed (!) Merged OK.
[x] !11357 add protection to FTK_DataProviderSvc to create VertexCollection even when vertexing not run (opened by John Baines)
9.23am Was merged by Tim, 10 mins ago.
[x] !11138 Sweeping !11138 from 21.0 to 21.0-TrigMC. Hardware configuration improvements for FTKSim (opened by Atlas Nightly Build)
2.12pm Merged OK.
[x] !11290 add j15_ftk to MC_pp_v7 (ATR-18086) (opened by Ligang Xia)
3.36pm Was only opened a few minutes ago but is already ready for merge...? No tests needed?
3.42pm There is only one commit, and it corresponds to a simple change to what appears to be a configuration file (; exact details/diff
here). So that is probably why there is no need to re-build and re-test.
3.46pm Merged OK.
4.30pm Still "Merged", but noticed that the pipeline is now running...(?!). Not sure how this was available to Merge prior to the whole process being completed...?
15/5/2018 2.07pm CI pipeline concluded OK. Closing this logbook entry.
[x] !11287 Merge branch '21.1-FTKSIM-46' into '21.1' -- push to 21.0-TrigMC (opened by John Baines)
3.30pm CI pipeline running
15/5/2018 2.10pm CI pipeline concluded OK (yesterday). Merged OK by Tim yesterday.
[x] !11180 Sweeping !11172 from 21.1 to 21.0-TrigMC. protect against seg. fault in VertexCollectionSortingTool if called with just one Vertex (opened by Atlas Nightlybuild, original author John Baines)
Merged OK, 11.21am
[x] !11169 Cherry-pick of !11007 to 21.0 TrigMC (opened by John Baines)
CI pipeline still running, 3.30pm.
Merged OK, 6.33pm
[x] !11144 Cherry pick !10575 !10964 into 21.0-TrigMC (opened by Claire Antel)
Merged OK, 2.14pm
[x] !11127 cherry-pick into 21.0-TrigMC of !10414 Backward compatible change to read FTK track parameters that are encoded in FP16 (half-float) format (opened by John Baines)
Merged OK, 2.10pm
[x] !11083 Update 21.0-TrigMC to release/21.0.69 (opened by Tim Martin)
Now ready to Merge, but when I try to merge it, it fails (i.e. goes back to green button "Merge") with the following message:
GitLab: File "DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/config/HLT/HLTidtrk/collisions_run.config" is larger than the allowed size of 2 MB.
I've alerted Tim to this, who has in turn asked colleagues with the required access level to circumvent the issue and accept the MR.
11/5/2018: now showing "There are merge conflicts", MR button greyed out.
11/5/2018: Edward Moyse accepted MR, 12.43pm.
PedroTeixeiraDias - 28 Jun 2018