Gary Ng Research review 2013 (Astrophysical neutrinos)
Report so far, as of 21/10/2013:
- Why study v & what is special about them?
- To 'map' the sky / universe with methods other than visible light range.
- Tiny mass, very rarely interact, travels through medium.
- How & when did the concept of v come about?
- What were the initial theories? Are they still valid?
- Is there only 1 source of v?
- Solar v, Atmospheric v, SN v
- What are the similarities and/or differences between each type of v?
- Do they travel at different velocities?
- Do they have the same energies?
- How are they detected?
- What equipment was used?
- What detection medium used?
- Solar v: v oscillation.
- Have all types of v been detected now? How?
- Are all types of v detected together every time? Why not?
- Why are we studying SN v?
- Production mechanism of SN v
- Why SN1987A ?
- It was close enough to be observed
- What is special about SN v?
- Are they the same as when they were just produced, inside the SN?
- How do we detect SN v?
- With the experiments, do we just detect SN v?
- How do we distinguish which v are from what source?
- What is special / different about each detection method?
- Are there any differences in detection methods x years ago?
- What are the results for the different methods?
- Does the results correspond to theory / prediction?
- Can we tell the direction of the SN v? If so, how?
- Can we tell the origin (location) of the SN v? If so, how?
- Can we tell the origin (time) of the SN v? If so, how?
- Can we tell the original type of the SN v? If so, how?
- ... (more questions) ...
- What will future SN v detection lead to?
Research Papers Topics:
- Supernovae SN1978A (see attachment)
- Core-collapse massive star to Supernovae theory proved.
- Solar neutrinos
- Solar neutrino problem
- Source of neutrino measurements
- Other high energy neutrino sources
- Investigate different types of neutrino detectors ('today')
- A timeline about neutrinos
- From theory to proof, to now-a-days research, to possible future developments
Topic revision: r5 - 21 Oct 2013
- GaryNg