Python 1st year after exam
Course Notes - read first : ph2150_notes_2016.pdf (25 pages)
Additional more comphrensive notes (reference, 300 pages)
Numpy/Scipy notes
In the post exam week the introduction will cover the following topics:
Lecture 1:
Lecture 2:
Lecture 3:
- Introduction
- Starting python and getting used to the environment
- Python as a calculator
- Problem sheet 1, due end of first python session in the Autumn term PH2150-2016-PS1.pdf
- Functions
- Write your own functions to do something useful
- Use functions already defined in python or python libraries
- Lists
- Lists to store data
- Functions on lists
- Control structures
- Conditionals (==, etc)
- if, for, while
- Arrays
- Problem Sheet 2, due beginning of week 2 Autumn term PH2150-2016-PS2.pdf
- Data and mathematical data structures
- Plotting
- Advanced plotting