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This is a breif description of the autosave feature available on MAXIM pro DL5.

After selecting the camera utilisation icon you will be presented with this window:

After setting up the camera (connecting up, setting cooler temp etc) direct yourself to the Exposure window.

Select 'Option' --> 'Save Image Path' to select the folder you wish your data to be saved in.

Next select the autosave feature and you are presented with the following window:

  • Autosave Filename - This is the Prefix to the file name, in this instance I've labeled the sequence T-10.0 to refer to the current temperature of the CCD.
  • Estimated Duration - This is the predicted time for your total exposure to run for (Check the scroll bar to the right to see what slots are selected)
  • Slot Column - This is the sequence order, pressed in indicates that it's active.
  • Type Column - Type of shot being done in this sequence
  • Suffix - This is the suffix to the file name and will come after the capture image number
  • Repeat - number of repetitions of exposure tme
After setting up the desired parameters press 'Options' --> 'Save Auto Sequence'

Press 'Ok' to close this window.

Press 'Start' to begin your exposures. This will run through and save automatically and reduces the need for interaction with MAXIM when taking large numbers of shots.

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Topic revision: r2 - 24 Oct 2013 - RyanCheale

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