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Results from Students/UnderGraduates web retrieved at 12:09 (GMT)

Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam Course material: Session1 was on Monday 3/6/2013, at 10am in HLT2. PSaT Intro Gibson.pdf: Introductory Session...
Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam Course material: Session1 was on Tuesday 27/5/2014, at 10am in HLT2. PSaT2014 Intro Gibson.pdf: Introductory...
Presentation Skills and Teamwork, 2nd year after exam Course material Introductory session on 1 June 2015 PresentationSkills2015 Gibson.pdf: Introductory Session...
AnnaPearson 10 Jun 2013
17/10/2013 Targets for the week: Read the Observation handbook for solar limb darkening Review second year Astronomy notes of solar limb darkening Imaging...
Major Project Aims To perform multiple observations to a high standard and obtain several images of open clusters for analysis. Working with Paul Hallam and...
Title Article text. Comments
Gary Ng Research review 2013 (Astrophysical neutrinos) Supernova 1987A.pdf: Supernova 1987A.pdf Introduction paper: Paper about SN v Detection, by Scholberg...
Aims: Follow a star and observe any interesting physics Take into account Air Mass (using different filters: B, U, V) Callibrate the camera Review:...
JeanDuffy 25 Oct 2013 Extraction of useful information from a fit file import os import pyfits import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math # Plot...
Preliminary Project Aims The ultimate goal of this Bsc project will be to measure fluxes and determine magnitudes of variable stars. While this is the overall objective...
LucaFruzza 24 Oct 2013 Preliminary Course Tools Coding: 1) Signal measuring import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport matplotlib.image as mpimgimport pyfitsimport numpy...
PH3110 BSc Project (academic year 2023/24) Information on the BSc project, for students taking this module in the 23/24 academic year. List of Projects/Topics...
List of PH3110 BSc Projects on offer in 2024/25 Each finalist BSc student will have to do one project in the Spring term. Each project lasts the whole term. Below...
POST EXAM Tutorial May 25th 2023 3rd year MSci students going into 4th year PH4100 Major Project and PH4110 Research Review both begin before the Moodle Roll over...
PaulHallam 18 Oct 2013 Aims To observe a number of variable stars over the course of multiple weeks. To use the programming language Python to analyse the...
Course Notes: PH2150 Post Exam Python (to be moved onto the PH2150 Moodle page during the summer moodle rol over) Read this first Basic Python notes (written for...
PH2150 Post Exam Course Material June 2020 This year the course is being delivered remotely, starting with an MS Teams meeting on the 8th June at 2pm. Follow the link...
Python 1st year after exam Course Notes read first : ph2150 notes 2016.pdf (25 pages) Additional more comphrensive notes (reference, 300 pages) notes In the post...
Radio Equipment This page contains information on the radio equipment available in the Teaching labs, T231. Summer project to do list (temporary) Sort through...
This is a breif description of the autosave feature available on MAXIM pro DL5. After selecting the camera utilisation icon you will be presented with this window...
CCD Camera ST 8XME CCD model: ST 8XME USB interfacing Utlises Maxim DL Software for Hardware/Software integration Area: 1530x...
Fourier Transfrom Script The below script is used to import an image or .fits file and produce the 2D Fourier Transformation. import pyfits import numpy as np import...
Useful links Boogert`s Astro pages Auto Save Feature Maxim DL5 General concepts Understand Camera Understand telescope Understand flats Python...
RyanCheale 31 Oct 2013
GeorgeClarke 07 Jun 2015
GeorgeClarke 07 Jun 2015
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