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TWiki Variables » Search » Category: Email & Notification

SENDMAIL{...} -- send e-mail from actions in TWiki topics, useful for workflow automation

  • The %SENDMAIL{}% variable is handled by the SendMailPlugin.
  • Syntax: %SENDMAIL{ action="send" ... }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description Default
    action="" Only action="send" is supported, it will send an e-mail "" (no action)
    excludetopic="MyTemplate" Exclude action for named topic. Typically used in a template topic containing the SENDMAL variable to disable the action when viewing the topic. "" (no exclude)
    from="admin@example.com" E-mail address or WikiName of sender. If a WikiName is specified, the registered e-mail of that person is used. Supported tokens:
    $webmastername - name of TWiki administrator.
    $webmasteremail - e-mail of TWiki administrator.
    $username - WikiName of logged in user.
    $useremail - e-mail address of the logged in user.
    Defaults to TWiki administrator. See note on open mail relay.
    "$webmastername <$webmasteremail>"
    to="jom@example.com" To list: Comma-space delimited list of e-mail addresses or WikiNames of adressees. Same tokens supported as in from="". Defaults to TWiki administrator. "$webmastername <$webmasteremail>"
    cc="jimmy@example.com" CC list: Comma-space delimited list of e-mails or WikiNames. Same tokens supported as in from="". ""
    bcc="boss@example.com" BCC list: Comma-space delimited list of e-mails or WikiNames. Same tokens supported as in from="". ""
    subject="Any text" E-mail subject. Text may include TWikiVariables such as %URLPARAM{subject}%, and format tokens such as $n and $percnt. (help message)
    text="Any text" or
    plaintext="Any text"
    E-mail body in plain text format. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. (help message)
    htmltext="Any HTML" E-mail body in HTML format, optional. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. Double quotes need to be escaped, such as <a href=\"http://twiki.org/\">TWiki.org<a>. A MIME Multi-Part message is sent if both, plaintext and htmltext are specified. ""
    onsuccess="..." Text shown in place of the SENDMAIL variable on success, default is empty. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. ""
    onerror="| $error ||" Error message shown in place of the SENDMAIL variable on error, if any. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. Token $error expands to the error message. "$error"
  • Security: See note on how to avoid an open mail relay
  • Example:
    %SENDMAIL{ action="send" to="$username <$useremail>" subject="Status change" text="Status changed to %FORMFIELD{Status}%" }%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, EmailAndNotificationVariables, WorkflowAndAutomationVariables
  • Related: SendMailPlugin (this topic)

Total: 1 variable

Related Topics: TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesSearch, TWikiVariablesQuickStart

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Topic revision: r1 - 11 Nov 2012 - TWikiContributor

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