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Renders edit-links as little red dots


This plugin renders a clickable red dot (.) to ease the edit access to a page. The red dot will only be visible if the current wiki user has write access to the page the dot points to. You might also specify a list of topics (see syntax), where the first topic that grants write access will be the target when you click on the red dot. After finishing an edit initiated by a red dot you will be redirected to the topic where the red dot was on, or any other topic that you specify. Note, however, that you need to enable cookies in your browser.

Syntax Rules

Tag Description
%REDDOT{"<topic1>[,..., <topicN>]" ... }% reddot the first target topic that grants write access;
  • redirect="...":
    jump back to a given topic after the edit process was completed; defaults to the originating topic where the red dot was on
  • text="...":
    use this text to create the edit link; defaults to a dot ( . )
  • style="...": css to be added to the reddot style
  • grant="...":
    regular expression to be checked in addition to the implicite check for write access to the target topic; reddot only if the grant matches

Furthermore, the RedDotPlugin respects the WHITEBOARD topic variable. If you add Set WHITEBOARD = off to a target topic text then the reddot link will disable the textarea (whiteboard) in edit mode. Note, however, that this feature only works on a TWiki/Dakar engine.


Plugin Installation Instructions

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin Home (see below)
  • Unzip it in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:

  • Visit configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum
Copyright: © 2005-2008 Michael Daum http://michaeldaumconsulting.com,
© 2005-2011 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 21402 (2011-06-04)
Change History:  
2011-06-04: TWikibug:Item6733: More Visual User Homepages - change terminology from "user homepage" to "user profile page" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2010-07-27: TWikibug:Item6530: Doc fixes; changing TWIKIWEB to SYSTEMWEB -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
03 Jan 2008: using TWiki-4 APIs to register tags; fixed default values for reddots
18 Sep 2006: don't use private apis; removed endRenderingHandler: this plugin does not work on older twiki releases!; create cgi urls properly
31 Aug 2006: added NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC
24 Aug 2006: more effort to find out the current cgi action, even when using short urls
28 Jul 2006: added PatternSkin css to really make reddots red
10 Mar 2006: use ENV instead of the CGI object to detect the current cgi action
15 Feb 2006: don't initialize the redirector in scripted mode
14 Feb 2006: fixed redirects to anchors; fixed permission check on old twiki releases; fixed use of uninitialised variables on perl 5.8.8
26 Jan 2006: w3c fixes
01 Dec 2005: fixed deprecation warnings on dakar
09 Nov 2005: fix use of uninitialized variable
12 Oct 2005: don't overwrite a system oops redirect, e.g. if a mandatory formfield is missing
27 Sep 2005: added forgotten style.css; added support to redirect a save
23 Sep 2005: added text, style, grant and WHITEBOARD feature
19 Sep 2005: added redirect-to-origin feature
22 Aug 2005: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.024
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle nn%, FormattedSearch nn%, RedDotPlugin nn%
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RedDotPlugin
Feedback: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RedDotPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RedDotPluginAppraisal

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, UserDocumentationCategory

Physics WebpagesRHUL WebpagesCampus Connect • Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX; Tel/Fax +44 (0)1784 434455/437520

Topic revision: r0 - 05 Jun 2011 - TWikiContributor

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.RedDotPlugin.