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ACTIVATEDPLUGINS -- list of currently activated plugins

ALLVARIABLES -- list of currently defined TWikiVariables

AUTHREALM -- authentication realm

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

EDITACTION -- select an edit template

  • EDITACTION defined in a topic or preference setting will define the use of an editaction template instead of the standard edit. If EDITACTION is defined as text, then hide the form. If EDITACTION is defined as form hide the normal text area and only edit the form.
  • Syntax: %EDITACTION% (returning either text or form)
  • Expands to: %EDITACTION%
  • Note: When EDITACTION is defined as text or form the Edit and Edit Raw buttons simply add ;action=text or ;action=form to the URL for the edit script. If you have defined EDITACTION in a topic setting or preference setting you can still edit the topic content or the form by removing the ;action=form or ;action=text from the edit URL in the browser and reload.
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, SkinsAndTemplatesVariables
  • Related: TWikiScripts#edit (this topic)

FAILEDPLUGINS -- debugging for plugins that failed to load, and handler list

GEOLOOKUP -- lookup geo location by IP address or domain name

LANGUAGE -- current user's language

  • Returns the language code for the language used as the current user. This is the language actually used by TWiki Internationalization (e.g. in user interface).
  • The language is detected from the user's browser, unless some site/web/user/session-defined setting overrides it:
    • If the LANGUAGE preference is set, it's used as user's language instead of any language detected from the browser.
    • Avoid defining LANGUAGE at a non per-user way, so each user can choose his/her preferred language.
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: LANGUAGES (this topic)

LANGUAGES -- list available TWiki languages

  • List the languages available (as PO files) to TWiki. Those are the languages in which TWiki's user interface is available.
  • Syntax: %LANGUAGES{...}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    format format for each item. See below for variables available in the format string. "   * $langname"
    separator separator between items. "\n" (newline)
    marker="selected" Text for $marker if the item matches selection "selected"
    selection="%LANGUAGE%" Current language to be selected in list (none)
  • format variables:
    Variable Meaning
    $langname language's name, as informed by the translators
    $langtag language's tag. Ex: en, pt-br, etc.
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Example: <select>%LANGUAGES{format="<option $marker value='$langtag'>$langname</option>" selection="%LANGUAGE%"}%</select> creates an option list of the available languages with the current language selected (this topic)

LOCALSITEPREFS -- web.topicname of site preferences topic

MDREPO -- retrieve data from metadata repository

  • Attention: This variable works only if MetadataRepository is in use. Otherwise, it always returns a zero length string.
  • This retrieves data from the specified metadata repository table.
  • Syntax: %MDREPO{ "table" ...}% (generic form), %MDREPO{ web="..." ...}% (web specific form)
  • Parameters (generic form without web="..." parameter):
    Parameter Description Default
    "..." Specify the table to retrieve This or below is required
    table="..." (Alternative to above) This or above is required
    separator="..." The separator string of records "$n" (new line)
    format="..." Format of one record. It may contain the following items. In addtion, the standard special tokens are handled accordingly.
    Item Description
    $_ or $_() the record ID
    $__ or $__() The record value in the following format:
    $marker or $marker() Expands to marker for the item matching selection only
    $_FILED_NAME or $_FIELD_NAME() Please be noted that you need to put _ (underscore) in front of a field name. $_FIELD_NAME$ yields the value of the specified field. If the specified field does not exist in the record, it returns the null string ("").
    ?FIELD_NAME?IF_FIELD_HAS_VALUE? If the specified field has value and it's neither 0 nor the null string (""), it's evaluated as IF_FIELD_HAS_VALUE. Otherwise, it's evaluated as the null string. This is like q/.../ in Perl. A non-word character following ?FIELD_NAME becomes the terminator; i.e. you can write: ?FIELD_NAME:IF_TRUE:
    Specifically, the following characters can be used as the delimiter: ! # % ' / : ? @ ^ ` | ~
    = is excluded because it clashes with a parameter specification in a URL (?name=value).
    ?!FIELD_NAME?IF_FIELD_HAS_NO_VALUE? Similar to above but it's opposite. If the field has value, it's evaluated as the null string. Otherwise, it's evaluated as IF_FIELD_HAS_NO_VALUE.
    $question Replaced with ? after the ?FIEL_DNAME and ?!FIELD_ANME constructs are processed.
    "| $_ | $__ |"
    selection="..." The record ID to be regarded as the selected. It affects how $marker in the format is evaluated. none
    marker="..." Text for $marker in the format if the item matches selection "selected"
    filter="..." The regular expression of record IDs to filter records. Matching is case-insensitive none
    exclude="..." Comma separated list of record IDs to be excluded. You can use regular expression. If you specify Trash\d*, then Trash, Trash1, Trash2, ... are exluded but LightTrash and TrashBag are not excluded none
  • Example: %MDREPO{"webs" filter="^A" format="| $_ | $_admin | $_master |"}%
    This would show the metadata of webs whose names start with A.
  • Paramerers (web specific form):
    Parameter Description Default
    web="..." Specify the web. If it's a subweb, the corresponding top level web is specified This is required
    "..." Specify the format of the return value in the same manner as the format parameter in the generic form $__
    default="..." Specify the value to be returned when the specified or implied top level web does not exist in MDREPO "" (null string)
  • Example: %MDREPO{web="Foo/Bar" "$_admin"}%
    This would show the admin field of the Foo web.
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: MetadataRepository (this topic)

PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS -- list of plugin descriptions

  • Expands to:
    • SpreadSheetPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30478 (2018-07-16) $): Add spreadsheet calculation like "$SUM( $ABOVE() )" to TWiki tables or anywhere in topic text
    • BackupRestorePlugin (2018-07-10, $Rev: 30551 (2018-07-16) $): Administrator utility to backup, restore and upgrade a TWiki site
    • BatchUploadPlugin (1.4, $Rev: 17006 (12 Dec 2008) $): Attach multiple files at once by uploading a zip archive
    • BeautifierPlugin (2012-12-02, $Rev: 24286 (2012-12-02) $): Highlight and format source code fragments of various languages
    • BibliographyPlugin (2011-03-09, $Rev: 20645 (2011-03-09) $): Cite bibliography in one topic and get an automatically created references list
    • BibtexPlugin (1.6, $Rev: 19851 (2010-11-15) $): Embeds BibTeX entries in a TWiki page
    • BreadCrumbsPlugin (2010-08-01, $Rev: 19303 (2010-08-01) $): A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation
    • CalendarPlugin (2012-12-03, $Rev: 24315 (2012-12-04) $): Show a monthly calendar with highlighted events
    • ChartPlugin (2013-05-23, $Rev: 25974 (2013-05-23) $): Visualize TWiki tables with area charts, bar charts, line graphs, scatter charts and sparklines
    • ColorPickerPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30442 (2018-07-16) $): Color picker, packaged for use in TWiki forms and TWiki applications
    • CommentPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30530 (2018-07-16) $): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle
    • CounterPlugin (2010-09-05, $Rev: 19433 (2010-09-04) $): Show a site visit counter in a TWiki topic
    • DatabasePlugin (2011-11-11, $Rev: 22417 (2011-11-11) $): Provide access to data in a SQL database
    • DatePickerPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30446 (2018-07-16) $): Pop-up calendar with date picker, for use in TWiki forms, HTML forms and TWiki plugins
    • EditTablePlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30448 (2018-07-16) $): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
    • EmbedPDFPlugin (2011-05-10, $Rev: 21206 (2011-05-11) $): Embed PDF documents in TWiki pages
    • ExcelImportExportPlugin (TWiki, $Rev: 0$): Renders an attached Excel spreadsheet as TWiki table
    • FilterPlugin (2010-07-25, $Rev: 19240 (2010-07-25) $): Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions
    • FlexWebListPlugin (2010-07-25, $Rev: 19261 (2010-07-26) $): Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists
    • FlowchartPlugin (2012-12-02, $Rev: 24291 (2012-12-02) $): Create a flowchart from topic text
    • FormPlugin (2015-02-25, $Rev: 28764 (2015-02-25) $): Create simple and advanced web forms using TWiki forms
    • GaugePlugin (2013-05-16, $Rev: 25944 (2013-05-16) $): Create gauges (graphical or not), typically used for dashboards
    • GeoLookupPlugin (2015-01-09, $Rev: 28639 (2015-01-09) $): Lookup geolocation by IP address or domain name
    • GluePlugin (2.1, $Rev: 18553 (2010-04-30) $): Enable markup to span multiple lines
    • GnuPlotPlugin (2011-03-12, $Rev: 20701 (2011-03-13) $): Allows users to plot data and functions using GnuPlot
    • HeadlinesPlugin (2018-07-13, $Rev: 30560 (2018-07-16) $): Show headline news in TWiki pages based on RSS and ATOM news feeds from external sites
    • IfDefinedPlugin (v1.1, $Rev: 18548 (2010-04-29) $): Render content conditionally
    • ImageGalleryPlugin (2011-07-21i - v3.74, $Rev: 21797 (2011-07-21) $): Show image gallery with auto-generated thumbnails from attachments
    • ImagePlugin (2010-08-01, $Rev: 19301 (2010-08-01) $): Control the display and alignment of images using an easy syntax
    • InterwikiPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30454 (2018-07-16) $): Write ExternalSite:Page to link to a page on an external site based on aliases defined in a rules topic
    • JQueryPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30456 (2018-07-16) $): jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
    • JQueryTwistyPlugin (2010-07-25, $Rev: 19236 (2010-07-25) $): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
    • LatexModePlugin (3.71, $Rev: 16926 (12 Dec 2008) $): Enables LaTeX markup (mathematics and more) in TWiki topics
    • LightboxPlugin (2010-11-09, $Rev: 19812 (2010-11-09) $): TWiki hooks to the Lightbox Javascript package for better thumbnail clickthrough
    • LocalTimePlugin (2010-12-11, $Rev: 19947 (2010-12-11) $): Show the current date and time of a particular city/timezone.
    • ObjectPlugin (2010-08-29, $Rev: 19389 (2010-08-29) $): Embed multi-media Objects into TWiki topics
    • PercentCompletePlugin (2015-05-29, $Rev: 29248 (2015-05-29) $): Percent complete selector, for use in TWiki forms and TWiki applications
    • PreferencesPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30528 (2018-07-16) $): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
    • QRCodePlugin (2012-11-14, $Rev: 24045 (2012-11-15) $): Create QR Code (a matrix barcode) in TWiki pages, useful for mobile applications
    • RackPlannerPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 15566 (2010-08-19) $): Render a rack overview (e.g. of 19'' computer racks) with HTML tables
    • RecentVisitorPlugin (2011-06-06, $Rev: 21426 (2011-06-06) $): Show recent visitors to a TWiki site
    • RedDotPlugin (2010-07-27, $Rev: 21402 (2011-06-04) $): Renders edit-links as little red dots
    • RedirectPlugin (2015-12-02, $Rev: 29697 (2015-12-03) $): Create a redirect to another topic or website
    • RemoteFileAttachPlugin (2011-01-13, $Rev: 20204 (2011-01-13) $): Download and attach remote files to topics
    • RenderListPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30468 (2018-07-16) $): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
    • RevisionLinkPlugin (2.2, $Rev: 19837 (2010-11-10) $): Enable linking to specific topic revisions
    • SendEmailPlugin (2013-01-24, $Rev: 25975 (2013-05-28) $): Allows to send e-mails through an e-mail form.
    • SendMailPlugin (2016-01-19, $Rev: 29910 (2016-01-20) $): Send e-mail from actions in TWiki topics, useful for workflow automation
    • SetGetPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30472 (2018-07-16) $): Set and get variables and JSON objects in topics, optionally persistently across topic views
    • ShareMePlugin (2012-12-01, $Rev: 24254 (2012-12-01) $): Icon bar to share a TWiki page on popular social media sites such as Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter
    • SkillsPlugin (2011-06-04, $Rev: 21404 (2011-06-04) $): Allows users to list their skills, which can then be searched
    • SlideShowPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30474 (2018-07-16) $): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
    • SmiliesPlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30476 (2018-07-16) $): Render smilies as icons, like  :-)  as smile or  :eek:  as eek!
    • SourceHighlightPlugin (2010-08-06, $Rev: 19332 (2010-08-06) $): Highlight and format code fragments using GNU source-highlight
    • TWikiDrawPlugin (2013-05-17, $Rev: 25952 (2013-05-17) $): Vector drawing editor and clickable maps for diagrams and workflows
    • TWikiSheetPlugin (2018-07-15, $Rev: 30604 (2018-07-16) $): Add TWiki Sheet spreadsheet functionality to TWiki tables
    • TablePlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30480 (2018-07-16) $): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
    • TagCloudPlugin (2010-07-26, $Rev: 19266 (2010-07-26) $): Renders a tag cloud given a list of terms
    • TagMePlugin (2018-07-05, $Rev: 30482 (2018-07-16) $): Tag wiki content collectively or authoritatively to find content by keywords
    • TimeSincePlugin (2010-07-27, $Rev: 19277 (2010-07-27) $):
    • TimeTablePlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 18182 (2010-08-19) $): Render a weekly timetable
    • TinyMCEPlugin (2018-07-10, $Rev: 30541 (2018-07-16) $): Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor
    • TopicCreatePlugin (2014-11-07, $Rev: 28434 (2014-11-07) $): Automatically create a set of topics and attachments at topic save time
    • TwistyPlugin (2018-07-06, $Rev: 30497 (2018-07-16) $): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
    • UserInfoPlugin (2010-07-25, $Rev: 19259 (2010-07-25) $): Render information about users on a TWiki site
    • VotePlugin (2012-12-10, $Rev: 24404 (2012-12-10) $): Simple way to count votes
    • WatchlistPlugin (2018-07-10, $Rev: 30536 (2018-07-16) $): Watch topics of interest and get notified of changes by e-mail
    • WebPermissionsPlugin (2013-06-18, $Rev: 26000 (2013-06-18) $): View and edit web permissions
    • WysiwygPlugin (2018-07-06, $Rev: 30528 (2018-07-16) $): Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: ACTIVATEDPLUGINS, FAILEDPLUGINS, PLUGINVERSION, TWikiPlugins, InstalledPlugins (this topic)

PLUGINVERSION -- the version of a TWiki Plugin, or the TWiki Plugins API

REDIRECT{"url"} -- create a redirect to another topic or website

SHAREME -- icon bar to share topics on popular social media sites

USERREPORT -- show user reports with profile pictures

  • Show various user reports documented in UserReports
  • Syntax: %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%
  • Overview of actions with parameters:
    Report action= Parameters
    Show a simple list of registered users "user_list" search, limit, sort, reverse
    Show the profile picture image of a user "profile_picture" user, height, width, title
    Show slim, one line height user boxes "slim_box_start"
    "slim_box" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show small, two line height user boxes "small_box_start"
    "small_box" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show users in business card format "business_card_start"
    "business_card" or
    user, style
    users, style
    Show a selector to pick a user,
    for use in HTML forms
    "select_one_user" name, selected, users
    Show rows of checkboxes to select users,
    for use in HTML forms
    "select_users" name, selected, users, colums, style
  • Example: %USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%
  • Category: AdministrationVariables, DevelopmentVariables, UsersAndAuthenticationVariables
  • Related: BUBBLESIG, SEARCH, USERSIG, UserList, UserReports (this topic)

WEBPREFSTOPIC -- name of web preferences topic

WIKIHOMEURL -- site home URL

WIKILOGOALT -- site logo tooltip message

WIKILOGOIMG -- site logo image URL

WIKILOGOURL -- site logo home URL

WIKIPREFSTOPIC -- name of site-wide preferences topic

WIKIVERSION -- the version of the installed TWiki engine

Total: 23 variables

Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesWizard, TWikiVariablesQuickStart, SearchHelp

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Topic revision: r2 - 23 Apr 2013 - TWikiContributor

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