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GAUGE{ attributes } -- create graphical images of gauges, typically used for dashboards

  • The %GAUGE{}% variable is handled by the GaugePlugin.
  • Syntax: %GAUGE{ type="..." name="..." value="..." }%
  • Supported attributes:
    Attribute Comment Default
    type The type of gauge, type="tambar" for target measure bar, or type="trend" for trend icon Global TYPE setting
    name Name to uniquely identify the gauge file that is auto-created. None; required for tambar
    value For tambar: The actual value of the gauge
    For trend: Positive = arrow up, 0 = arrow right, negative = arrow down
    None. Show "no data" if missing
    alt Alternate text for image Value is value parameter
    width Defines the width of the gauge in pixels. Global <type>_WIDTH setting
    height Defines the height of the gauge in pixels. Global <type>_HEIGHT setting
    scale For tambar: Defines the number and position of the scales. For example a value of "5, 12, 35, 57" denotes that there are three regions on the bar gauge, "5...12", "12...35" and "35...57".
    For trend: N/A
    Global <type>_SCALE setting
    colors For tambar: List of colors, each region has two colors. For trend: N/A Global <type>_COLORS setting
  • Examples:
    • %GAUGE{ type="tambar" name="t1" scale="0, 10, 20, 40" value="27" }% shows 27
    • %GAUGE{ type="trend" name="t2" value="-3" }% shows down trend
  • Category: ChartingAndDrawingVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables
  • Related: GaugePlugin, GaugePluginTests

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Topic revision: r0 - 13 Nov 2012 - TWikiContributor

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