CALENDAR show a monthly calendar with highlighted events Events are defined by bullets, see CalendarPlugin#Event Syntax for details. The % CALENDAR{ variable...
Calendar Plugin Introduction The CalendarPlugin handles the % CALENDAR% variable which inserts a monthly calendar in the page. Multiple topics can be specified...
FLOWCHART{} create a flowchart from topic text The % FLOWCHART{ , % FLOWCHART START% and % FLOWCHART STOP% variables are handled by the FlowchartPlugin....
FlowchartPlugin Example Stop the mouse above each item and see the tag with the name in a bigger size. Each item is a link for the text block what was created it...
FlowchartPlugin Example Stop the mouse above each item and see the tag with the name in a bigger size. Each item is a link for the text block what was created...
BeautifierPlugin Introduction This plugin allows you to have code fragments automatically formatted and highlighted. It uses the Beautifier library (included...
SHAREME icon bar to share topics on popular social media sites The % SHAREME{ variable is handled by the ShareMePlugin. Many social media sites are defined...
Share Me Plugin Add a bar of icons to share a TWiki page on popular social media sites and bookmarking sites such as Digg, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Twitter. Syntax...
BibliographyPlugin Overview The BibliographyPlugin manages citations inside a TWiki topic, and can generate a References List at the end of the topic. This should...
ExcelImportExportPlugin This plugin renders an attached Excel spreadsheet as a TWiki table, and vice versa. It also provides scripts to generate a set of topics...
Batch Upload Plugin Attach multiple files at once by uploading a zip archive. All files in the zip file will be attached to the topic. Usage Enable this...
BreadCrumbsPlugin Description This plugin helps you to locate where you are, and shows you how you can escape from there using breadcrumbs navigation. Two types...
Database Plugin Provide secure access (read and write) to data in an SQL database, with flexible results formatting. Any database that has a CPAN:DBI interface can...
Reset Password Remember your password? Use 1 instead. Otherwise, use this form to get a new one e mailed to you. you must have at least one valid registered...
ImageGalleryPlugin Description This plugin helps you in viewing pictures that are attached to a topic in a nice thumbnail gallery. Clicking on a thumbnail zooms...
RECENTVISITOR show statistics of recent visitors to the TWiki site The % RECENTVISITOR{ variable is handled by the RecentVisitorPlugin Recent visit of...
RecentVisitorPlugin This plugin is sponsored by: Introduction This plugin shows statistics of recent visitors to a TWiki site. The time of last visit and the IP address...
SkillsPlugin Introduction This plugin allows users to specify what skills they have and their level of proficiency. The user can then display their skills on...
Display Users Skills on User Profile Pages This topic will show you how to get the users skills displayed on their user profile page using the TWikiTemplates system...
Skills Plugin Advanced Search You can create a more advanced search by defining the form manually. This allows you to use an extra input field, called topicsearch...
RedDotPlugin Introduction This plugin renders a clickable red dot (.) to ease the edit access to a page. The red dot will only be visible if the current wiki...
EmbedPDFPlugin Introduction Many browsers can show PDF documents embedded just like pictures within HTML documents using the object HTML tag. Unfortunately...
RemoteFileAttachPlugin Introduction This plugin allows you to attach a remote file to a topic. Given an URL to a remote file it downloads the file and attaches...
Pop Up Calculator Add On Introduction Addressing a community of Engineers on an intranet, it is valuable to offer a popup calculator. This particular one is nice...
LocalTimePlugin Introduction This plugin is an alternative to the TWiki:Plugins.LocalCityTimePlugin and can be used for a systems diary. Syntax Rules Add a...
Revision Link Plugin Introduction This plugin enables the author of a TWiki page to specify a particular version of a topic to link to. You can use also negative...
Lightbox Plugin Introduction Lightbox is set of Javascript and CSS files that provides improved image viewing functionality. When a user clicks on the image, the...
CounterPlugin Introduction The CounterPlugin maintains the Visitor count. Right now it is in it`s infant state shows the count in Text mode. Would be...
DebugLogPlugin Usage This Plugin creates a transaction log containing all the CGI parameters sent to TWiki for every request. To avoid locking and time serialization...
The Object Plugin Introduction Uses the OBJECT html tag to embed arbitrary content into a wiki page, with a particular bent towards media: Common media formats...
RACKPLANNER{attributes} add a rack overview of computer, devices, etc. to a topic The % RACKPLANNER% variable is handled by the RackPlannerPlugin. Syntax...
RackPlannerPlugin The RackPlannerPlugin handles the tag % RACKPLANNER% and renders a rack overview (HTML table) with devices (computer, router, switches...
TTTOPICSETUP add a default topic setup for the TIMETABLE variable to a topic The % TTTOPICSETUP% variable is handled by the TimeTablePlugin. Syntax:...
TTCM{`time range,foreground color,backgroundcolor`} add a colorized time (range) to a topic The % TTCM% variable is handled by the TimeTablePlugin. Syntax...