without parameters shows a simple text box.
can handle the following parameters: Parameter | Description | Default |
type | This is the name of the template to use for this comment. Comment templates are defined in a TWiki template - see customization. If this attribute is not defined, the type is whatever is defined by COMMENTPLUGIN_DEFAULT_TYPE, either in this topic or in your WebPreferences. | "below" |
default | Default text to put into the textarea of the prompt. | |
target | Name of the topic to add the comment to | the current topic |
location | Regular expression specifying the comment location in the target topic. Read carefully the CommentPlugin documentation! | |
mode | For compatibility with older versions only, synonymous with type | |
nonotify | Set to "on" to disable change notification for target topics | "off" |
noform | Set to "on" to disable the automatic form that encloses your comment block - remember to insert <form> tags yourself! See CommentPluginExamples#noform for an example. | "off" |
nopost | Set to "on" to disable insertion of the posted text into the topic. | "off" |
remove | Set to "on" to remove the comment prompt after the first time it is clicked. | "off" |
button | Button label text | "Add comment" |
emailto | Send comment by email. Use comma "," to seperate multiple email addresses. This feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, please set up "$TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{CommentPlugin}{EmailEnabled} = 1;". |
Parameter: | Description: |
"name" | Name of the section. |
type="..." | Type of the section being terminated; supported types "section" , "include" , "templateonly" , "expandvariables" |
is named, the corresponding ENDSECTION
must also be named with the same name. If the STARTSECTION
specifies a type, then the corresponding ENDSECTION
must also specify the same type. If the section is unnamed, ENDSECTION
will match with the nearest unnamed %STARTSECTION%
of the same type above it.
%IF{"CONDITION" then="THEN" else="ELSE"}%
shows "THEN"
evaluates to TRUE
, otherwise "ELSE"
will be shown
%IF{"defined FUNFACTOR" then="FUNFACTOR is defined" else="FUNFACTOR is not defined"}%
renders as FUNFACTOR is not defined
variable is handled by the SendMailPlugin.
%SENDMAIL{ action="send" ... }%
Parameter | Description | Default |
action="" | Only action="send" is supported, it will send an e-mail | "" (no action) |
excludetopic="MyTemplate" | Exclude action for named topic. Typically used in a template topic containing the SENDMAL variable to disable the action when viewing the topic. | "" (no exclude) |
from="admin@example.com" | E-mail address or WikiName of sender. If a WikiName is specified, the registered e-mail of that person is used. Supported tokens: • $webmastername - name of TWiki administrator. • $webmasteremail - e-mail of TWiki administrator. • $username - WikiName of logged in user. • $useremail - e-mail address of the logged in user. Defaults to TWiki administrator. See note on open mail relay. | "$webmastername <$webmasteremail>" |
to="jom@example.com" | To list: Comma-space delimited list of e-mail addresses or WikiNames of adressees. Same tokens supported as in from="" . Defaults to TWiki administrator. | "$webmastername <$webmasteremail>" |
cc="jimmy@example.com" | CC list: Comma-space delimited list of e-mails or WikiNames. Same tokens supported as in from="" . | "" |
bcc="boss@example.com" | BCC list: Comma-space delimited list of e-mails or WikiNames. Same tokens supported as in from="" . | "" |
subject="Any text" | E-mail subject. Text may include TWikiVariables such as %URLPARAM{subject}% , and format tokens such as $n and $percnt . | (help message) |
text="Any text" orplaintext="Any text" | E-mail body in plain text format. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. | (help message) |
htmltext="Any HTML" | E-mail body in HTML format, optional. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. Double quotes need to be escaped, such as <a href=\"http://twiki.org/\">TWiki.org<a> . A MIME![]() plaintext and htmltext are specified. | "" |
onsuccess="..." | Text shown in place of the SENDMAIL variable on success, default is empty. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. | "" |
onerror="| $error ||" | Error message shown in place of the SENDMAIL variable on error, if any. Text may include TWikiVariables and format tokens. Token $error expands to the error message. | "$error" |
%SENDMAIL{ action="send" to="$username <$useremail>" subject="Status change" text="Status changed to %FORMFIELD{Status}%" }%
variable. A normal view of the topic shows everything exept the %STARTINCLUDE%
variable itself.
- the default, used for a generic section, such as a named section used by INCLUDE.
except that you can have as many include blocks as you want (%STARTINCLUDE%
is restricted to only one).
- start position of text to be removed when a template topic is used. Use this to embed text that you do not want expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. TWikiTemplates has more.
- start position where TWikiVariables get expanded when a new topic is created. As documented in TWikiTemplates#VariableExpansion, only certain variables get expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. All variables get expanded within a "expandvariables"
%STARTSECTION{"name"}% ................... %ENDSECTION{"name"}%
%STARTSECTION{type="include"}% ........... %ENDSECTION{type="include"}%
%STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% ...... %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%
%STARTSECTION{type="expandvariables"}% ... %ENDSECTION{type="expandvariables"}%
Parameter: | Description: | Default |
"name" | Name of the section. Must be unique inside a topic. | Generated name |
type="..." | Type of the section; type "section" , "include" , "templateonly" , or "expandvariables" | "section" |
disablefixlinks="on" | Only for named sections: Bypass fixing WikiWord links if section is included from a topic in another web. Fixing links in included text such as from SomeLink to Thisweb.SomeLink is usually desirable so that links in included text still point to the same target. | fix links |
for the first unnamed section in the topic, _SECTION1
for the second, etc..