import numpy as _np import pyfits as _pyfits import scipy.optimize as _spo import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt from scipy.ndimage import median_filter as _median_filter ''' def test(filename="./He_Rotation/") : d = prepare_data(filename); r = fit_ian(d); gauss_fit_plot(d, r) ''' def get_raw_data(filename) : f = h = f[0].header d = f[0].data * h.get('EGAIN') return d def raw_image_display(filename) : d = get_raw_data(filename) _plt.clf() _plt.imshow(d) _plt.title("Helium line at 4.20mm") _plt.xlabel("Pixels") _plt.ylabel("Pixels") def raw_spectrum_display(filename): d = get_raw_data(filename) fgx = d.sum(0) fgy = d.sum(1) pixels = _np.arange(0, len(fgx), 1) _plt.plot(pixels, fgx) _plt.title("Profile of Helium peak at 7.80mm (388nm)") _plt.xlabel("Pixel position") _plt.ylabel(r"$N_{\rm{PE}}$") ''' def hotpixel_removal(imagedata) : return ''' def project(filename): d = get_raw_data(filename) px = d.sum(0) py = d.sum(1) return [px, py] ''' def prepare_data(filename) : d = get_raw_data(filename) # remove hot pixels px = d.sum(0) return px ''' ''' def locate_peaks(data) : pass ''' ''' def stitch(filelist) : ''' ''' def pixel_to_wavelength(filelist): ''' def weighted_av(x, y): return sum(x) / sum(y) def standev(x, xbar, n): return _np.sqrt(_np.sum((x - xbar)**2) / n) def multi_gauss(x,*p): # this is a gauss fit for multiple peaks rather than a single peak. y=_np.zeros_like(x) for i in range(0,len(p),4): a=p[i] x0=p[i+1] sigma=p[i+2] bg=p[i+3] y= y+ a / (_np.sqrt(2.0*_np.pi)*sigma) * _np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))+bg return y def get_peak_var(filename, cutoff, length): # cutoff is the cut off value to consider the values a peak. length is the nth adjacent value taken away from the middle value when calculating the second differential p = project(filename) px = p[0] x = _np.arange(0, len(px) - (length + 1), 1) # list of values to be used as the pixel values bgsubmaxnorm = (px[0:-length] - px[0:-length].mean()) / px[0:-length].max() #finds the normlised photoelectrons with the subtracted background xdiff = _np.diff(px) # obtain first differential sec = [] for i in range(0, len(xdiff) - length): peak_val = xdiff[i + length] - xdiff[i - length] sec.append(peak_val) secdiff = _np.asarray(sec) # gets the second differential but instead of subtracting adjacent values it subtracts every nth(lenght) value and converts it to array secdiffynorm = secdiff / secdiff.max() #filtered_secdiffynorm = _median_filter(secdiffynorm, size = 4) # helps finding better estimation for peak x_peak_range = x[secdiffynorm < cutoff] # > for absroption, < for emission return [x, secdiffynorm, x_peak_range, bgsubmaxnorm] def peak_range_peakfinder(filename, cutoff, length): peak_var = get_peak_var(filename, cutoff, length) x_peak_range = peak_var[2] bgsubmaxnorm = peak_var[3] list_of_lists = [] sub_list = [] sub_list.append(x_peak_range[0]) #takes the first value of xmer and adds it to the sublist for i in range(0, len(x_peak_range) - 1): if x_peak_range[i] + 1 == x_peak_range[i + 1]: #if the ith value is 1 less than ith+1 value then it adds it to the sub_list sub_list.append(x_peak_range[i + 1]) else: #if that is not the case then it adds the sub_list to another list then makes a new empty sub_list and starts the process again. if len(sub_list) > 0: list_of_lists.append(sub_list) sub_list = [] sub_list.append(x_peak_range[i + 1]) list_of_lists.append(sub_list) # all of the sub_list are added to the main list so it has groups of x values which have higher/lower intensity than the cutoff value xy = [] y = [] for i in list_of_lists: multiple = bgsubmaxnorm[i] * i xy.append(multiple) y.append(bgsubmaxnorm[i]) return [list_of_lists, xy, y] def Peaklocator(filename, cutoff, length, value): list_of_lists = peak_range_peakfinder(filename, cutoff, length)[0] xy = peak_range_peakfinder(filename, cutoff, length)[1] y = peak_range_peakfinder(filename,cutoff,length)[2] px = project(filename)[0] ''' for i in range(0,len(xy)): if len(xy[i]) > value: print 'xlocation->', int(weighted_av(xy[i], y[i])) print 'intensity->', px[int(weighted_avxy[i], y[i]))] ''' peaklocation=[] intensity=[] for i in range(0,len(xy)): if len(xy[i])>value: ploc= int(weighted_av(xy[i],y[i])) # uses the weighted average equation to find where the location of the peak and its intensity at that point. #print 'xlocation->', ploc #print 'intensity->', px[int(weigave(xy[i],y[i]))] # intensity at the location of estimated peak peaklocation.append(ploc) intensity.append(px[ploc]) num = [] # numerator of the weighted average denom = [] # denominator of the weighted average for i in list_of_lists: multiple = px[i] * (_np.square(i - _np.mean(i))) num.append(multiple) denom.append(px[i]) width = [] for i in range(0, len(num)): if len(xy[i]) > value: x = weighted_av(num[i], denom[i]) width.append(x) return [width,peaklocation,intensity] def plot_vertline_peaks(filename, cutoff, length, value): xy=peak_range_peakfinder(filename, cutoff, length)[1] y=peak_range_peakfinder(filename,cutoff,length)[2] px=project(filename)[0] _plt.title('Plot of spectrum of Vega at 06.50mm with located peaks') # change title according to plot _plt.xlabel('Pixel values') _plt.ylabel('Photoelectrons') _plt.plot(px, linewidth='2.0', label='vega spectral line') a='Estimated peak location ' #this is for multiple peaks so it says 'peak 1', 'peak 2' and so on #a=0 for i in range(0,len(xy)): if len(xy[i])>2: # this statement is here to get rid of any peaks that could be due to hot pixels as their "width" is too small. #a+=1 b=str(i+1) c=a+b _plt.axvline(weighted_av(xy[i],y[i]), linewidth='2.0', color='red',label=c) _plt.legend() #here the filenames corresponds to the calibration files -> def multi_gaussfit(filename,cutoff,length,value): ydata=project(filename)[0] #get ydata xdata=_np.arange(0,len(ydata),1) # create the xdata for xaxis Peak=_np.asarray(Peaklocator(filename,cutoff,length,value)[1]) # get unfitted peaklocation to use as guess paramters intensity=_np.asarray(Peaklocator(filename,cutoff,length,value)[2]) # get unfitted intensity at the peaklocation to use as guess parameters sigma=[10,6,8,9] # guess sigma bg=[10000,10000,10000,10000]#guess the background level guess=[] #empty aray for i in range(0,len(Peak)): guess.append(intensity[i]) #makes the first value in the array the intensity value and so on guess.append(Peak[i]) guess.append(sigma[i]) guess.append(bg[i]) popt,pcov=_spo.curve_fit(multi_gauss, xdata, ydata, p0=guess) # gives back fitted values for peaklocation, intesnity, sigma and background fit=multi_gauss(xdata,*popt) #_plt.figure() #_plt.plot(xdata,ydata)#plots all the fitted curves in one canvas #_plt.plot(xdata,fit,'r-') newpopt= [popt[x:x+4] for x in range(0, len(popt),4)] # seperates the returned values from the curvefit to 4 length arrays: intensity, peaklocation, sigma, bg intens=[] Plocs=[] sig=[] bgs=[] for i in range(0,len(newpopt)):#seperate the parameters and form their own arrays to be used intens.append(newpopt[i][0]) Plocs.append(newpopt[i][1]) sig.append(newpopt[i][2]) bgs.append(newpopt[i][3]) return [intens,Plocs,sig,bgs] #filename corresponds loop_mult_files is helium.txt def loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value): # just a function to loop over the multi_gauss fit function to obtain intensity, peaklocation, bg, sigma, wavelength for different micrometer position. f=open(filename) Peak_locs=[] micro_pos=[] wavelength=[] intensity=[] for l in f: # loop through the files and extract values l=l.strip() sl=l.split() filelist=sl[0] peak=multi_gaussfit(filelist,cutoff,length,value)[1] Peak_locs.append(peak) micro_pos.append(float(sl[1])) wavesl=sl[2].split(",") wave=map(float,wavesl) intsl=multi_gaussfit(filelist,cutoff,length,value)[0] intensity.append(intsl) wavelength.append(wave) return[Peak_locs, micro_pos,wavelength,intensity] #get better peak locations and intensity. def lambdafunc((m,p),I,a,b,c,d,e,p0,m0): a=I+a*(p-p0)-b*(m-m0)+c*(p-p0)**2+d*(m-m0)**2-e*(p-p0)*(m-m0) return a.ravel() def pixel_to_wavelength(filename,filelist,cutoff,length,value,mpos): micro_pos=loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value)[1] Xposition=loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value)[0] wave=loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value)[2] Peakloc=multi_gaussfit(filelist,cutoff,length,value)[1] px=project(filelist)[0] xdata=_np.arange(0,len(px),1) print wave micro=[] for i in range(0,len(Xposition)): for j in range(0,len(Xposition[i])): micro.append(micro_pos[i]) Xpos=[item for sublist in Xposition for item in sublist] wavelength=[item for sublist in wave for item in sublist] Part_wave=[] for i in range(0,len(wavelength)): if micro[i]==mpos: Part_wave.append(wavelength[i]) print Part_wave print Peakloc peaksq=_np.square(Peakloc) grad,inter=_np.polyfit(Peakloc,Part_wave,1) fit=_np.polyfit(Peakloc,Part_wave,1) grad2=_np.polyfit(peaksq,Part_wave,2) fit_fn=_np.poly1d(fit) #print fit_fn best_fit=fit_fn(xdata) _plt.figure(1) _plt.plot(Peakloc,Part_wave,'o',label='Relation between wavelength and pixel at micrometer of %s mm ' %mpos, linewidth=5) _plt.plot(xdata,best_fit,'r-', label='Line of best fit',linewidth=2) _plt.title('Relation between pixel values and ' r'wavelength,$\lambda$ (nm)', size=22) _plt.xlabel('Pixel Position',size=22) _plt.ylabel(r'Wavelength,$\lambda$ (nm)',size=22) _plt.legend(loc='best') print inter print grad print grad2 guess=[inter,grad,0.2,grad2[1],2e-3,0.8,365,4.2] popt,pcov=_spo.curve_fit(lambdafunc,(micro,Xpos),wavelength,p0=guess) print popt data_fitted=lambdafunc((mpos,xdata),*popt) #vertline=plot_vertline_peaks(filelist, cutoff, length, value) _plt.figure(2) _plt.plot(data_fitted,px,linewidth='3',label='Projection of helium spectral lines at %s' %mpos) _plt.xlim(data_fitted[0],data_fitted[764]) _plt.title('Plot of wavelength against number of photoelectrons for Helium spectrum', size=22) _plt.xlabel(r'Wavelength,$\lambda$ (nm)',size=18) _plt.ylabel('Number of photoelectrons', size=18) _plt.legend() ''' def pixel_to_wavelength(w1,w2,w3,w4,filename,cutoff,length,value):# for Calib_He_0600 the wavelengths are 447,471,492,501 and cutoff length and value are -0.05,1,2 peaklocation=Peaklocator(filename, cutoff, length, value)[1] #peaksq=_np.square(peaklocation) #px=prepare_data(filename) #xint=_np.arange(0,765,1) True_wavelength=[w1,w2,w3,w4] #params=_spo.curve_fit(lambdafunc,peaklocation,True_wavelength, p0=[0.1,0.1,-1e-8,-2e-8,0.8,5,365,6,4.2]) popt,pcov=_spo.curve_fit(lambdafunc,peaklocation,True_wavelength, p0=[446,0.1,0.1,-1e-8,-2e-8,0.8,365,6,4.2]) print popt,pcov def lambdafunc((m,p),I,a,b,c,d,e,p0,m0): return I+a*(p-p0)-b*(m-m0)+c*(p-p0)**2+d*(m-m0)**2-e*(p-p0)*(m-m0) def pixel_to_wavelength(filename,filelist,cutoff,length,value): micro_pos=loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value)[1] Xposition=loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value)[0] wave=loop_mult_files(filename,cutoff,length,value)[2] px=project(filelist)[0] xdata=_np.arange(0,len(px),1) micro=[] for i in range(0,len(Xposition)): # this is to make it length of micro the same as the xpostion and wavelength for j in range(0,len(Xposition[i])): micro.append(micro_pos[i]) Xpos=[item for sublist in Xposition for item in sublist] # flatten out the Xpos so instead of [[123,143],[156,160]] you get [123,143,156,160] wavelength=[item for sublist in wave for item in sublist] guess=[446,0.1,0.2,-1e-8,-2e-8,0.8,365,4.2] # random guess for the parameters popt,pcov=_spo.curve_fit(lambdafunc,(micro,Xpos),wavelength,p0=guess) print popt data_fitted=lambdafunc((xdata,px),*popt)#this is random attempt to plot the lambdafunction _plt.plot(data_fitted) ''' ''' def chi_squared ''' def single_gauss_plot(filename, amp, mu, sigma, bg): d = get_raw_data(filename) p = project(filename) x = _np.array(d[0]) y = _np.array(d[1]) px = p[0] py = p[1] popt, pcov = _spo.curve_fit(gauss, x, y, [amp, mu, sigma, bg]) poptcov = [popt, pcov] yfit = gauss(x, poptcov[0][0], poptcov[0][1], poptcov[0][2], poptcov[0][3]) print poptcov _plt.clf() _plt.grid(True) _plt.plot(x, px, 'b.') _plt.plot(x, yfit, 'r') def gauss(x, a, x0, sigma, bg): return a/(_np.sqrt(2.0*_np.pi)*sigma) * _np.exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) + bg def fit_gaussian(y, amp=1000000, mu=500, sig=30, bg=100000) : x = _np.arange(0, len(y), 1) popt, pcov = _spo.curve_fit(gauss, x, y, [amp, mu, sig, bg]) return [popt, pcov] def gauss_fit_plot(d, poptcov) : x = _np.arange(0,len(d),1) y = d yfit = gauss(x, poptcov[0][0], poptcov[0][1], poptcov[0][2], poptcov[0][3]) _plt.clf() _plt.grid(True) #_plt.plot(d, 'b.') #_plt.plot(yfit) def gauss_fit_loop(filelist) : f = open(filelist) val_array = [] sig_array = [] for l in f : l = l.strip() sl = l.split() val = float(sl[0]) filename = sl[1] d = project(filename) r = fit_gaussian(d[0]) val_array.append(val) sig_array.append(abs(r[0][2])) #_plt.grid(True) #_plt.plot(val_array, sig_array, 'b.') return [val_array, sig_array] def hyperbole(x, a, b, mu): return -b * _np.sqrt( ((x-mu)/a)**2 + 1.0) def fit_hyperbole(x, y, a = 1.0, b = 4.0, mu = 21.0): popt, pcov = _spo.curve_fit(hyperbole, x, y, [a, b, mu]) return [popt, pcov] def hyperbole_fit_plot(d, poptcov) : x = d[0] y = d[1] yfit = hyperbole(x, poptcov[0][0], poptcov[0][1], poptcov[0][2]) #Extract x value _plt.clf() _plt.grid(True) _plt.plot(x, y, 'b.', label='Sigma values') _plt.plot(x, yfit, 'g', label='Hyperbolic fit') #_plt.title("Sigma of the Gaussian fit to the peak \n as a function of the lens-camera distance") #_plt.xlabel("Micrometer distance (mm)") #_plt.ylabel(r"$\sigma$") _plt.legend(loc='upper left') def hyperbole_fit_loop(filelist): d = _np.array(gauss_fit_loop(filelist)) x = _np.array(d[0]) y = _np.array(d[1]) poptcov = fit_hyperbole(x, y, 1, 4.0, 21.0) yfit = hyperbole_fit_plot(d, poptcov) def cosineF(x, d, sm, k, phi): return d * _np.cos(k * x + phi) + sm def fit_cosineF(x, y, d = 1.0, sm = 4.0, k = 0.25, phi = 1.0): popt, pcov = _spo.curve_fit(cosineF, x, y, [d, sm, k, phi]) return [popt, pcov] def cosineF_fit_plot(d, poptcov): x = d[0] y = d[1] yfit = cosineF(x, poptcov[0][0], poptcov[0][1], poptcov[0][2], poptcov[0][3]) #Extract x value _plt.clf() _plt.grid(True) _plt.plot(x, y, 'b.', label='Sigma values') _plt.plot(x, yfit, 'g', label='Cosine function fit') #_plt.title("Sigma of the Gaussian fit to the peak \n as a function of the camera rotation") #_plt.xlabel("Micrometer (mm)") #_plt.ylabel(r"$\sigma$") _plt.legend(loc='upper left') def cosineF_fit_loop(filelist): d = _np.array(gauss_fit_loop(filelist)) x = _np.array(d[0]) y = _np.array(d[1]) poptcov = fit_cosineF(x, y, 1.0, 4.0, 0.25, 1.0) yfit = cosineF_fit_plot(d, poptcov) ''' def profile_loop(filelist): f = open(filelist) val_array = [] for l in f: l = l.strip() sl = l.split() val = float(sl[0]) val_array.append(val) filename = sl[1] d = project(filename) x = _np.array(d[0]) y = _np.array(d[1]) ymax_index = y.argmax() xmax_index = ymax_index temp_xrange = _np.arange(xmax_index - 50, xmax_index + 50, 1) temp_yrange = y[temp_xrange] _plt.clf() _plt.grid(True) _plt.plot(temp_xrange, temp_yrange) ''' def asymmetry_profile_loop(filelist): d = _np.array(gauss_fit_loop(filelist)) x = _np.array(d[0]) y = _np.array(d[1]) _plt.plot(x, y, 'b.') ''' To do: Code Lamps Lambda func - alpha Sigma func Observation Stitch (?) Hot pixels '''